
Public safety, labor, local government, and infrastructure advocates announce strong opposition to California Business Roundtable ballot measure that would benefit wealthy corporations while decimating vital local and state services

“This measure would make it much more difficult to fund critical infrastructure that’s needed in California,” said Michael Quigley. “It would undercut our ability to invest in virtually every form of infrastructure, including safe bridges, local streets and roads, public transportation, drinking water quality, new schools, and utilities.”

Sacramento Bee: Looking for work? What Biden’s infrastructure bill could mean for California job seekers

“We can see 75,000 to 100,000 jobs created annually from the federal infrastructure investment,” said Michael Quigley. “It’s going to be really substantial for California’s economy.”

New Report: Federal, State and Local Transportation Infrastructure Spending Creates $200 Billion in Economic Benefits and Supports 700,000 Jobs in California Every Year

“This is a groundbreaking report that, for the first time, takes all transportation revenue streams into account — local, state, federal — and quantifies the economic benefits of these investments on California and local economies.”